I’ve written some new Monitoring Checks for NetApp Metrocluster (MCC) which can be used in addition to my normal NetApp cDOT Checks. Both can be found in my GitHub Repository:
Metrocluster Aggr Status:
Checks, wheather the aggregate mirroring status, disk pool allocation and the disk ownership is OK.
Metrocluster State:
Checks the following options:
- local-configuration-state: should be ‘configured’
- local-mode: should be ‘normal’
- local-periodic-check-enabled: should be ‘true’
- remote-configuration-state: should be ‘configured’
- remote-mode: should be ‘normal’
- remote-periodic-check-enabled: should be ‘true’
Metrocluster Config Status:
Checks the following options:
- storage-status: should be ‘ok’
- cluster-streams: should be ‘ok’
- is-enabled: should be ‘true’
- is-running: should be ‘true’
- remote-heartbeat: should be ‘ok’
- vserver-streams: should be ‘ok’
Metrocluster Check:
Checks wheather “nodes”, “lifs”, “config_replication”, “aggregates” and “clusters” are OK. For some configurations you need to exclude the “lifs”, because for example you only use iSCSI on one site in a 4-node configuration.
If any of the above checks or values isn’t ok: you really should have a look at your Metrocluster 😉