As announced today: VMware vSphere 6.7 is GA now:
I don’t want to quote all the new features, you can read this stuff on your own. I just want to show you a sneak preview and first hands-on with the brand new vSphere Version 6.7 🙂
I just downloaded the VMware vCenter Server Appliance 6.7 ISO. Inside this ISO there is the well known installer. I choose “Upgrade” and followed the guide. In the first stage the installer deploys a temporary virtual machine for your “new” vCenter Server.
In stage 2, all data will be migrated from your old to your new vCenter Server. After all steps are completed, I’ve got a brand new vCenter Server Appliance Version 6.7. The hole upgrade took about 40 minutes including about 15 minutes vCenter downtime.
At a first view, both the VCSA Management as also the new HTML5 client looks very nice. And the flash client seems to be a bit faster, too:
Now I need to get more experience with the new vSphere version in the field. I’ll keep you updated … happy updating 🙂